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ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) has become a universally recognized acronym. An approach that considers environmental, social, and governance aspects is essential for any business in this day and age. Being in line with the best ESG performance requires attention, daily efforts, and a commitment to continuous and steady improvement.
This is the starting point for Guber.

Aligning with the best ESG performances in the banking sector requires a continuous commitment.

Banks must adopt a sustainability-oriented corporate culture to enhance their ESG standards. This involves collaboration with stakeholders, the implementation of concrete initiatives, and the measurement and communication of the positive impacts achieved.

As a player in the banking sector, Guber starts from this awareness and embraces the ESG approach as the foundation of its corporate strategy. We are committed to promoting sustainable and socially responsible practices, guided by a strong governance. Through concrete actions and continuous progress, we strive to contribute to the well-being of society, the environment, and future generations, while also ensuring positive outcomes for our clients and investors.


ESG Report 2022

The ESG Report 2022 is a document that builds upon the principles and values deeply rooted in our bank, with the aim of informing all stakeholders, including shareholders, clients, employees, and communities, about initiatives and results that consider not only the economic and financial impacts but especially the environmental and social repercussions stemming from our activities within the context in which we operate.

Transparency and the sharing of information related to our environmental and social policies, actions, and progress are fundamental for building a relationship of trust and collaboration with all our stakeholders.

Our report reflects our commitment to being a responsible bank, capable of balancing economic aspects with social and environmental ones. We aim to be a driver of positive change, encouraging sustainability and awareness among our stakeholders, and thereby contributing to the building of a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Illustrazione 3D di andamenti e grafici per rappresentare DEPOSITO102+, il conto deposito ad impatto sociale di Guber banca e il suo impatto sulla sostenibilità
Deposito 102+, the social impact deposit account

In March 2022, Guber launched D102+, the first deposit account dedicated to the development of social impact projects, with its initial goal being the funding of a Community House for individuals with cognitive disabilities in the Spanish Quarters of Naples.

Illustrazione 3D di un pacco per rappresentare DHL "Go Green", un modo per rendere le spedizioni di Guber banca meno invasive a livello di sostenibilità
DHL “Go Green”

In March 2022, Guber joined the DHL ‘Go Green’ program, making its courier shipments more sustainable. This project, which allows for the calculation and offsetting of carbon dioxide emissions generated by shipments, also enables investment in climate and environmental protection initiatives selected by DHL.

Illustrazione 3D di una lampadina per rappresentare la certificazione A2A. Guber banca utilizza sempre energia elettrica acquistata da fonti rinnovabili promuovendo così la sostenibilità ambientale
A2A Certification

In 2020, A2A Energia awarded Guber the ‘100% Green A2A’ User Certificate because the purchased electrical energy is derived from renewable sources, meaning non-fossil energy sources (wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hydro, biomass, landfill gas, residual gas from purification processes, and biogas).

Illustrazione 3D di un computer per rappresentare la digitalizzazione dei libri sociali di Guber banca per ridurre gli sprechi di carta e avere una gestione più sostenibile

Starting in January 2021, Guber’s corporate books are digitally preserved in compliance with certified document management processes aimed at reducing paper waste, toner usage, and the associated emission of dust and volatile organic compounds.
This activity is carried out in collaboration with Mediatica, an AgID Accredited Conservator.

Illustrazione 3D di un rubinetto per rappresentare REBO Smart Bottle, la borraccia pensata per monitorare l'idratazione dei dipendente di Guber banca e rimuovere la plastica dalle scrivanie, per un ambiente di lavoro più in linea con la sostenibilità
REBO Smart Bottle

Much more than a welcome gift, much more than a simple water bottle. Every Guber employee is equipped with a Rebo Smart Bottle, an innovative water bottle that allows you to monitor the quality of your hydration and contribute to workplace well-being.

But that’s not all: REBO is the first water bottle that allows you to have a positive impact on the planet. Indeed, for every REBO bottle drunk, the collection of 1 plastic bottle from the oceans is funded.

Illustrazione 3D di un mozzicone gettato in un bidone per rappresentare Re-cig Smokers Points, un progetto che permette a Guber banca di riciclare i mozziconi di sigaretta e promuovere la sostenibilità aziendale
Re-Cig® Smokers Points

In June 2022, we replaced the current ashtrays in common outdoor areas with innovative smokers’ points.

Thanks to the patented mechanical process by the start-up ‘Re-Cig®,’ cigarette butt filters are transformed into a plastic polymer that will be dedicated to the injection molding industry and 3D printing.

Illustrazione 3D di una piantina in una mano per rappresentare Biofarm. Guber ha aderito al progetto adottando 125 alveari per la sostenibilità.

“Biorfarm” is a company that specializes in selecting and supporting small Italian agricultural businesses that cultivate organic fruits and products, in harmony with nature and away from modern mass production methods.

Starting from the Christmas holidays of 2021, Guber chose to initiate a collaboration with them, relying on them to create an original gift inspired by environmental and social sustainability. We have adopted 125 beehives from the “Famiglia Nucci” Ag. Company.

For more information, you can visit our digital orchard.

Illustrazione 3D di una piantina annaffiata per rappresentare Piantando, il progetto sposato da Guber banca che si occupa di piantare alberi in Abruzzo per una maggiore sostenibilità.

“Piantando” is a benefit corporation that initiates social and environmental impact projects worldwide, with the aim of bringing people closer to meaningful initiatives by giving them the opportunity to take concrete actions.

Every one of our employees receives a small plant upon joining our company as a tangible symbol of our support for the ‘Silva’ project, an initiative which aims to create a natural reserve in Abruzzo through the planting of trees (oaks, beeches, and other native trees) and the revitalization of an area at risk of wildfires, erosion, and drought.

Illustrazione 3D del pianeta Terra per rappresentare Up2You, un modo per compensare l'emissione di CO2.

For our company’s celebration event, we set the goal of minimizing our impact on the environment. Thanks to our collaboration with Up2You, we have been able to fully offset 3300kg of CO2 emissions through the purchase of certified carbon credits.

Furthermore, we actively engaged all our colleagues and guests by giving them a plantable paper bracelet with a unique QR code. This allowed them to choose a certified project to allocate their corresponding share of carbon credits.

Illustrazione 3D di uno stetoscopio e di un cuore per rappresentare la Convenzione Fondazione Poliambulanza, un'iniziativa per monitorare il Covid-19 sposata da Guber banca per la salute dei propri dipendenti
Fondazione Poliambulanza Partnership

In 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Guber entered into an agreement with the Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero Multispecialistico of Brescia to safeguard the health of its employees and collaborators.

Serological tests were conducted in May upon returning from the lockdown, molecular swab tests were conducted in September upon returning from the summer holidays, and the administration of influenza vaccines was also offered in November. Constant monitoring of potentially risky situations is also in place.

Even today, thanks to a special agreement, we continue our commitment to all our employees, who can avail themselves of a free annual check-up.

Guber doesn’t let its guard down.

Illustrazione 3D di due mani che si incontrano per rappresentare il fondo Sara Pedersoli, un'associazione che aiuta le persone affette da malattia.
Sara Pedersoli Fund

The Sara Pedersoli Fund is a solidarity project initiated by the family to commemorate a mother from Valle Camonica who passed away from an incurable illness. We were fortunate to work with that mother for years, and we want to help the Fund fulfill Sara’s wish to continue assisting her child and, along with him, other children with vulnerabilities.

Illustrazione 3D di una casa per rappresentare il fondo Salvacasa, un progetto di Guber banca che aiuta le persone a vivere in casa nonostante abbiano un debito importante.
Salvacasa Fund

The Salvacasa Fund is an idea that originated a few years ago while observing what began to happen to homeowners facing foreclosure on their primary residences after the 2009 financial crisis: a constant and progressive decline in residential real estate values, especially in peripheral areas, which prevents these debtors from realizing a value that would allow them to recover an amount exceeding their debt, useful for starting anew by renting a new residence.

We have therefore devised a solution, which we named the Salvacasa Fund, defined as a social yield cushion. In essence, it would be a social housing fund that intervenes based on well-defined criteria, taking into consideration the state of need, especially when the property being auctioned is the primary residence.

During the discussions initiated on various fronts, Guber came into contact with a working group that is working on a similar project, called ‘Snowdrop,’ which aims to ‘break through the frost of the social crisis.’
Guber immediately joined this project because… unity is strength.

Illustrazione 3D di un cervello acceso per rappresentare la fondazione Brescia Musei. Guber banca ha contribuito a valorizzare il patrimonio artistico bresciano, promuovendo così la sostenibilità sociale e culturale
Brescia Musei Foundation

Deeply rooted in the city of Brescia, Guber has decided to support the initiatives of the Brescia Musei Foundation scheduled for 2023, the year in which Brescia is the Italian Capital of Culture. The aim is to foster the development of Brescia artistic legacy and establish communication channels with other noteworthy organizations and individuals on a national and worldwide scale.

Guber shares with the Foundation the value of history while also emphasizing the culture of change and transformation, which can only take place via discussion and the exchange of knowledge.

Illustrazione 3D bicicletta sul mondo per rappresentare l'attività MTB ISEO

Guber Bank supports the Iseo MTB school, a reference point for the area for kids and children who want to learn the discipline of mountain biking.
The relationship with the company goes beyond mere sponsorship but also takes place through the donation of life-saving tools necessary for the safe conduct of competitive activities and the organization of events aimed at enhancing inclusion and diversity in sports.

Illustrazione 3D di un regolamento per rappresentare il codice etico, un modo per rappresentare l'impegno di Guber banca per la sostenibilità ambientale, sociale e culturale
Ethical code

The Ethic Code summarizes the essence of Guber Banca, serving as a guide for our moral principles and foundational values. It systematizes all recognized, accepted, and shared ethical principles at all levels of the bank, guiding the conduct of all those who operate every day following the principles of legitimacy, transparency, and verifiability.

Illustrazione 3D di un foglio riciclato per rappresentare Multipartner, un repository documentale virtuale usato da Guber banca per sostenere la sostenibilità della carta

Our collaboration with Multipartner enables us to use a virtual data room (VDR) repository, reducing paper consumption to promote environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, the VDR facilitates transparent communication with our governing bodies, implementing digital and structured information flows, enhancing internal information sharing, and ensuring security in the management of corporate documents.